Wake up! Guns are NOT the problem. Think with your head and not your heart.

Wake up! Guns are NOT the problem. Think with your head and not your heart.

The label and the mission statement they have up in this image speaks volumes and it is NOT “Disarm America”. Calling for stricter laws, waiting times and shredding our 2nd amendment rights is lining up our citizens for a hot lunch. Look at the faces on those in the image. We are all hurt and touched by the events in Orlando and the hundreds of others that preceded that event but your hostilities are aimed in the wrong direction.


The new crime statistics released by the agency reveal that out of 11,961 murders performed within the U.S. in 2014, 660 were committed unarmed, 1,567 were committed with knives and only 248 murders were known to have been committed using rifles of any type, including single-shot long arms and “assault rifles” routinely demonized by gun control groups.

In other words, despite the calls to ban “military-style assault rifles” by anti-gun groups, conservatively less – and likely much less – than four percent of murders were committed using AR-15s, AK-47s and other semi-automatic long arms.

In comparison, AR-15s are used far less often in murders than shotguns, a fact which contradicts Vice President Joe Biden who once implied otherwise.
That isn’t that surprising considering the recent study by the University of Chicago Crime Lab which revealed that AR-15s and AK-47s are unpopular amongst criminals.

“…The 2014 estimated violent crime total was 6.9 percent below the 2010 level and 16.2 percent below the 2005 level,” the FBI stated.

Why are we not looking to ban knives in this nation or the import of such?  Perhaps, if Nicole Brown Simpson or Ronald Goldman had a permit to carry, that would be OJ on the ground.

Criminals and Terrorists are not walking into a gun store. If someone wants an assault weapon, they will find a means to an end to obtain one.

Guns, on the other hand are used exponentially more often to stop crime than to kill; each year firearms prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes in the U.S., usually without a shot being fired, meaning that guns are used over 300 times more often to save innocent lives, given the 8,124 murders committed with firearms in 2014.

It’s also been estimated that over 56 million people have died due to gun control in the last century, according to Gun Owners of America:

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. Subsequently, from 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, deprived of the means to defend themselves, were rounded up and killed.

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. Then, from 1929 to 1953, approximately 20 million dissidents were rounded up and killed.

In 1938 Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945 over 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill, union leaders, Catholics and others, unable to fire a shot in protest, were rounded up and killed.

In 1935, China established gun control. Subsequently, between 1948 and 1952, over 20 million dissidents were rounded up and killed.

In 1956, Cambodia enshrined gun control. In just two years (1975-1977) over one million “educated” people were rounded up and killed.

In 1964, Guatemala locked in gun control. From 1964 to 1981, over 100,000 Mayan Indians were rounded up and killed as a result of their inability to defend themselves.

In 1970, Uganda embraced gun control. Over the next nine years over 300,000 Christians were rounded up and killed.

On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, TexasNidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 unarmed Army personnel where there were dozens of civilians scattering about. It only took civilian police Sergeant Mark Todd who was armed to pump five rounds into Hasan to stop the carnage. The shooting produced more casualties than any other on an American military base.

If we have the ability to use thumb print technology even on an IPhone, what is stopping us from using the same on gun and/or assault weapons?

About the author: Scott Bernstein is the CEO of Global Security International LLC headquartered in NYC.  He has extensive experience as a Counter Terrorist Consultant, International Apprehension Operative, Human & Sex Trafficking Expert and a Military and Law Enforcement Trainer. He is available as a Consultant and as a Speaker. In addition to his LinkedIn profile, you can also interact with Scott on his LinkedIn group http://bit.ly/1LMp2hj.

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